
Hunters Luck!

It was in 1563 when the Duke of Henneberg granted the gum makers from Suhl the right to from a Gunmaker’s Guild thus making Suhl the European Center for small arms manufacturing. Over the years the focus changed from military weapons to hunting rifles.

Special designs of barrel combinations, high functionality, tight tolerances and impeccable finish gave Suhler rifles a worldwide reputation for superb quality.
The Suhler tradition is still very well alive and the firm Adamy with a 185 year old tradition is part of this elite group of gunmakers.
This, paired with handmade perfection and a deep feeling for design enables our master gunsmiths to let a custom designed hunting rifle become reality.
You will get a gun that fits your body size, your hunting style and your ideas about the overall design of stock, action and engraving. Put us to the test!
